Wednesday, May 1, 2019

The Stories We Believe

More often than not, it is the stories we chose to believe and harbor in our sub-conscience that lead us to the decisions and direction we make for our lives.
Here is a simple example from my own life. As a child, I grew up watching Charlie Brown TV shows. In one of the shows, Charlie Brown was "Trick or Treating" with his friends. To his dismay, he would always get a rock in his bag when his friends would get candy. Funny as it was, I took it as my outlook on life until my adulthood. For years, it was a story I chose to believe, and, subconsciously, it played a vital role in my cynical and defeatist beliefs about myself and others.
But today, I chose to believe an ambitious legend that foreshadows any thoughts of disparity of self. This legend reaches beyond the edges of the universe, and the depths of the oceans are little teardrops compared to the extent of possibility it transfers into one's soul if they chose to believe. The short story of this ambitious legend is a story of the creation of mankind.
Before time there was "Creator." "Creator" sought to create something other than His divine messengers in the heavens. He loved his messengers because He is Love to His core. But "Creator" wanted to create a being that was much like Himself. First, He thought, We will create an extravagant celestial sphere with beauty and light to show my love for them the moment they arise.

They will see the work of My hands with every glance. Moreover, I will give them an inner vision to see my gift to them, even in their rest. I will go even deeper with them so that We can be one with them at all times. I will place, in them, my dreams, desires, and purposes for them. They will come to know "Creator" as we will create in harmony. And so it was, "Creator" created a self-sustaining universe complete with a fiery light source, galaxies, stars, planets, and moons, all to be explored, for His creation. The day came when it was time to form man. Creator chose one world to create him and give him all he needed to live. Creator reached down and formed man from the dirt of this planet. Meticulous in its shape and symmetry, He worked on him until one detail remained. All that "Creator" created was natural, but now He needed to add one distinct ingredient to the man to bond them so they could be together forever.
He cupped the little masterpiece up from the dirt as a dead man and breathed deep into his nostrils, His Life-giving breath. From his first gasp of air, the man had a purpose and forever carried the image of "Creator".

I understand, this is a far-fetched story, but it has served me better than the story of always getting a rock in my candy bag. This story of "Creator" tells me of a love long lost and the possibility of living a good life with purpose, expanding development, and helping others do the same.
What story are you believing?


Monday, April 29, 2019

Rugged Beauty

She walks with a painful limp, feet blistered, legs burn with every step and her clothes are battle worn. Uncovered skin sluggishly bleeds from intruding jungle brush. Her weathered face and un-kept hair paint a picture of unbridled determination. She holds two weapons; her machete to forge her own path and the memory of the “Mighty Voice” who called her to greatness. In the brief moments of drifting into a restless sleep, she rewrites the definition of greatness in her mind and fights the desire to revert to the old life of mediocrity. With a sudden jolt from her heart, she wakes to her own bold voice casting judgment on her placid past. She speaks to the past as if it's a haunting spirit, "Whoa to those who regress to the call of death. I am a victor and I create the path the “Mighty Voice” has called me to. My names are determination, perseverance, endurance, and conqueror. Speak to me again, ‘spirit of past’, and I'll tighten my grip on the machete that bludgeons the jungle of insignificance into my path of, magnificence." She charges forward knowing that failure follows but looks to the day when the voice takes the machete from her hand and says to her; "Well done my rugged beauty. Well done."

God likes rugged.
Look at Moses, Joseph, and King David. They lived rugged lives. Look at some of the apostles. I bet Peter was very rugged. Think about it, he pulled a sword on a small troop to protect Jesus as if he could really win. That's Clint Eastwood type of rugged. How about John the Baptist? Dressed in camel’s skin, eats locust and lives in the desert. Sounds a bit like Bear Grylls. How about Debra the Judge? She leads warriors into battle for Israel. A woman wielding a sword; that’s rugged.
The bible is filled with ruggedness and it's good. Adam was created in an untamed garden and he named the animals.
There's no doubt living after the fall of mankind was rugged. God told Adam and Eve it would be rough. Adam, you'll toil in your work. Eve, it will painful to bear children and your husband will rule over you. I'm sure Eve was thinking, whatever.

At times life is rough for all of us. And in third world countries, it is rougher than most North Americans can imagine. Our battle is different than much of the world. Our battle is mostly in the mind. In the Americas, most of us have food, shelter and livable conditions. The battles aren’t about surviving a physical life. It is more about renewing the mind and fulfilling the call on our life. One major hurdle is many Christians don't know there is a call on their life or don't know what it is. Therefore they live in a spiritual hallway. They've walked out of the door from hell but not walked into the door of their predestined future.

Mark Twain once said; “I can teach anybody how to get what they want out of life. The problem is that I can’t find anybody who can tell me what they want.”
The standard answer from believers is; "I want what God wants." That’s not an answer. Here's why. Most followers of Christ don’t know what God wants and one of two things happen when we read or hear what God wants for us. First, we may think this can’t be true or this can’t be true for someone like me.

After your transformation, God does want goodness in this life for us. But it will take a rugged person to be prepared for that goodness. It will take renewing the mind to take you to that goodness. In many cases renewing the mind will be a battle of battles because you will be battling generations of immoral conditioning, subtly false and limiting beliefs that are contrary to what God has for you.

The truth is you must see yourself as a soldier being prepared for battle. Once saved, God has a mission for us. God has given us all the ministry of reconciliation (2 Corinthians 5:18) and renewing the mind prepares us for that mission. Also, as followers of Christ must realize we are now a target of a ruthless enemy who will use every trick in the book to keep us from believing we are more than conquerors. He will do whatever it takes to keep you from your true names: determination, perseverance, and endurance. He will do all he can to keep you returning to your past and fearing the future. He will try to change the storyline of your life. But listen to what God says: "Fear not [there is nothing to fear], for I am with you; do not look around you in terror and be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen and harden you to difficulties, yes, I will help you; yes, I will hold you up and retain you with My [victorious] right hand of rightness and justice." (Isaiah 41:10 Amp)

The storyline for your life includes fearlessness, strength, and victory. It’s a grand call on your life that will require all the aspects of a mighty warrior. In your unique way, you have been called to reconcile man to God. It’s a call that will take grit, stamina and pure ruggedness.

Are you ready to accept the call? If so; here are a few steps to consider.
  • Count the cost. You could lose everything and anybody close to you. You will definitely have to lose yourself; your old way of thinking and doing. You will go through painful lonely times and the preparation will take years.
  • Trust in God’s grace and strength. It will take His grace and strength to get you through your personal boot camp. Your human potential will only get you to a point where God doesn't want you and it won't make you whole. God wants to make you whole inside and out.
  • Read and study the bible. There are several study tools for this. Read books and blogs. Most importantly, invite the Spirit into your study time. I don't go for volume, but I do ask for Him to reveal what I need to know.

God loves ruggedness.
He sees you as a rugged mighty warrior and longs for the day to take the worn machete from your hand and say, "Well done, my rugged beauty. Well done."

So what do you want?
Do you want to walk through the door into God's plan for your life or stand in the hallway of uncertainty?

Voice of Inspiration

Friday, April 26, 2019

Mud Man

He must have seen the glory-beaming out of the one named Adam. He had to see the sunrise and sunset, creativity and passion, strength and love in the muddy mixture. He must have seen the majesty of untold greatness and the beauty of wholeness in this unfamiliar work of creation. Lucifer, in all his anger, resentment, and bitterness, must have seen Adam as a reflection of Almighty God. He must have shaken in fear as he watched the Creator from a distance form, mold, and shape the mud into a man.
Questions and worry must have invaded his mind as God etched away all imperfections to create His self-portrait. The fallen angels must have been uneasy as they observed the great Artist do His finest work. They must have anxiously paced and murmured amongst themselves. They had to wonder with great apprehension: “What is God up to now?” The scene, I’m sure, was like an audience in a theater entrenched in a movie leading up to the climax of the film. Nothing is more important than knowing what is next.

Then it happens. God, the Father, draws near to the handcrafted form of dirt. He looks deep into the eyes of the lifeless creation. As the fallen ones silence themselves in utter anticipation, God breathes deep, as do the fallen also. He releases His breath into His art form. Life-giving breath. Not just any life, everlasting Life from the Father of all that is.

The climax has reached its summit. The fallen have reached a point of clamor and riotousness within its camp. Who knows what’s next with God’s making? They sense the atmosphere altering. And in God’s perfect timing, as if He was waiting for the cells, blood, nerve endings, and all the infinite details that keep man physically alive, the eyes of His image abruptly open. The body violently gasps its first breath and, moments later, softly says, “Abba”.

With a hostile, piercing roar, the fallen cry out, “God has released His most glorious composition! More glorious than all that He has created. The music, songs, and worship from this mud man will be superior to our Lucifer.”

Psalm 139:13-16(AMP)
13For You did form my inward parts; You did knit me together in my mother’s womb. 14 I will confess and praise You for You are fearful and wonderful and for the awful wonder of my birth! Wonderful are Your works, and that my inner self knows right well. 15 My frame was not hidden from You when I was being formed in secret [and] intricately and curiously wrought [as if embroidered with various colors] in the depths of the earth [a region of darkness and mystery].
If we could grasp, take hold and capture our depth of significance in our God, dramatic shifts in our thought, words, and actions would take place. The creation of man and you are not to be looked at moderately, with restraint, or with minor importance. You and I were created with the utmost thought and care. We were created with the hands of a loving Father, the passion of Jesus, and the strength of the Spirit.

Take this seriously.

You are supremely significant to God.

Today, start to read all the good the bible has to say about you and ask the Spirit to ingrain it into you so you can express it in your daily life.

Voice of Inspiration