Wednesday, May 1, 2019

The Stories We Believe

More often than not, it is the stories we chose to believe and harbor in our sub-conscience that lead us to the decisions and direction we make for our lives.
Here is a simple example from my own life. As a child, I grew up watching Charlie Brown TV shows. In one of the shows, Charlie Brown was "Trick or Treating" with his friends. To his dismay, he would always get a rock in his bag when his friends would get candy. Funny as it was, I took it as my outlook on life until my adulthood. For years, it was a story I chose to believe, and, subconsciously, it played a vital role in my cynical and defeatist beliefs about myself and others.
But today, I chose to believe an ambitious legend that foreshadows any thoughts of disparity of self. This legend reaches beyond the edges of the universe, and the depths of the oceans are little teardrops compared to the extent of possibility it transfers into one's soul if they chose to believe. The short story of this ambitious legend is a story of the creation of mankind.
Before time there was "Creator." "Creator" sought to create something other than His divine messengers in the heavens. He loved his messengers because He is Love to His core. But "Creator" wanted to create a being that was much like Himself. First, He thought, We will create an extravagant celestial sphere with beauty and light to show my love for them the moment they arise.

They will see the work of My hands with every glance. Moreover, I will give them an inner vision to see my gift to them, even in their rest. I will go even deeper with them so that We can be one with them at all times. I will place, in them, my dreams, desires, and purposes for them. They will come to know "Creator" as we will create in harmony. And so it was, "Creator" created a self-sustaining universe complete with a fiery light source, galaxies, stars, planets, and moons, all to be explored, for His creation. The day came when it was time to form man. Creator chose one world to create him and give him all he needed to live. Creator reached down and formed man from the dirt of this planet. Meticulous in its shape and symmetry, He worked on him until one detail remained. All that "Creator" created was natural, but now He needed to add one distinct ingredient to the man to bond them so they could be together forever.
He cupped the little masterpiece up from the dirt as a dead man and breathed deep into his nostrils, His Life-giving breath. From his first gasp of air, the man had a purpose and forever carried the image of "Creator".

I understand, this is a far-fetched story, but it has served me better than the story of always getting a rock in my candy bag. This story of "Creator" tells me of a love long lost and the possibility of living a good life with purpose, expanding development, and helping others do the same.
What story are you believing?
